
John Gibbons
Retired Psychologist
My enthusiasm and experience with martial arts began 60 years ago when, as a young teenager, I first began training in Judo and Ju Jutsu. At the age of 22 I worked in Japan for a year and was able to continue martial arts training under Japanese teachers.
Since those early years I have periodically trained in an additional 8 styles of martial art, including those of Japan, China, Korea and the Philippines.
After experiencing 2 years training with Marko Vesse, I unhesitatingly recommend him as the best teacher I have ever met and his martial art the most powerful I have ever encountered.
Most enthusiasts are aware of the concept of internal power. Marko successfully teaches his students how to find the source of that power within themselves and use it in practical self-defence. His teaching is effective regardless of sex or age.
I strongly recommend him to any person considering training or making his services available to staff members.
I would be pleased to support this reference personally should the reader wish to contact me.

Phone Wu Xing Dao Kung Fu:
Phone: 0413 885 883
International +61 413 885 883
General Martial Arts Enquiries:
MartialArts@invisiblemaster.com |