Marko Vesse Kung Fu - Internal Martial Arts
Sports Testimonials
(No Photo)
Dr. Alex Gilandas,
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD., Dip.Ed. (univ. Oregon, U.S.A.)
Corporate & Medical Psychologist
"I completely regained my health"
"I am a medical psychologist, aged 58 years, who had a heart attack in April 1999 [cardiac arrest and lucky to have survived]. My medical records from St. Vincent's Hospital are available on request.
As part of my rehabilitation I became involved in Wu Xing Dao [Invisible Master Principal of martial arts] under Marko Vesse, Master Instructor. Within six months, I completely regained my health and now work 60 hours per week, with ease.
I have been involved in martial arts and other training systems for the past 40 years in USA, Japan and Australia [Karate, Tae Kwon Do, weight training, aerobics, etc.]. The striking power developed by Wu Xing Dao is beyond that which is possible with any other style. The system actually transforms the body to a high level of functioning. From my studies and experience, the Invisible Master Principal is the best system of physical training yet devised for both health and professional sports. It is particularly suitable for boxing and football.
The system is based on the scientific principles of physics and adapts easily to real-life situations such as health improvement, self-defense and to most sports. It has specialized applications to professional sports, such as the IMP Steel Body Impact Training program for football.
Marko Vesse is a skilled instructor who can demonstrate the superiority of his system of training compared to anything else currently available. Most importantly, Mr. Vesse has the ability to teach his skills effectively and efficiently, not only to professional athletes, but also to the general public, dependent on their individual needs."

Phone Wu Xing Dao Kung Fu:
Phone: 0413 885 883
International +61 413 885 883
General Martial Arts Enquiries:
MartialArts@invisiblemaster.com |