
Dr. Mark Rabin
MB. BS. Dip Hypnotheropy
Member World Academic Society of Qi Gung
I have had many years experience in Chinese Martial Arts, Qi Gong and meditation, in Australia, Taiwan and China. I believe that Wu Xing Dao, is a truly unique system of martial arts training and personal development.
The ability of the training to develop in the student vast amounts of power and speed, which can then be unleased naturally, with any part of the body and in any direction, is truly remarkable.
The training creates changes at all levels (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) within the student. These changes after a period of time become permanent and progressive, even if the student breaks from the training.
Drawing from my experiance, other systems of martial arts, utilise strict training forms or patterns to teach power development and application of the techniques. Wu Xing Dao has no forms, it emphasises the development of natural body motion and power development from the beginning. This conditions the students' nervous system and body to respond naturally to any situation, rather than relying on a range of specific techniques for specific situations.
There are many skilled martial artists who are unable or often unwilling to fully teach or transmit their skills, and many good teachers who are not able to convincingly put what they teach into application. Marko Vesse is however one of those rare individuals who has, the unique ability to not only be able to teach and guide his students' individual development, helping them to reach their full potential. He is also a formidable martial artist who can effortlessly demonstrate the effectiveness of his art.
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Phone Wu Xing Dao Kung Fu:
Phone: 0413 885 883
International +61 413 885 883
General Martial Arts Enquiries:
MartialArts@invisiblemaster.com |