Self Defence1 on 1 training Steel body Steel Hand Football Tennis Cricket Skin System Sports conditioning This is the self-defence program for people in a hurry to learn how to survive in today's violent society. All training based on the Invisible Master Principle of Wu Xing Dao includes highly effective self-defence, but this 6 weeks course is the short cut to effective survival in dangerous situations. The Invisible Master Self-Defence Course uses specific exercises, accelerated body conditioning and nervous system training concepts to develop a natural momentum of movement and striking force far beyond what would be expected from a person's size, appearance or strength. You will learn: To release genuine internal power, self-confidence and focus of purpose. Strikes and blows that work in real life self-defence and creative ways of delivering them to the most practical targets. To use simple everyday items as weapons. To understand the mind of both the attacker and the potential victim to gain a psychological advantage for yourself. About the attacker's strengths and weaknesses, vulnerable areas. And more… The Result Instills in students the ability to continually expand and develop their own skills, strengths and creative defensive movements by themselves once they have completed their basic course. The training itself progressively releases the instinctive abilities which lie dormant in most people. No other self-defence programme can claim to do this. It is the living Invisible Master Principle in action. |
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