Invisible Master - Internal Kung FuSteel Hand ProgramSTEEL BODY | LIGHTNING | SPORT | ONE-TO ONE (Click link below to view video) STEEL HAND CONDITIONING - 10 Week Program Steel Hand Demo (New demos coming soon) Wu Xing Dao Steel Hand Kung Fu is a rare internal hand conditioning system. Very few people in the world know of its training methods and they are reluctant to share its secrets. Typical hand conditioning practices such as Iron Palm require special liniments to extract bruising, improve blood circulation and help the hardening process. These methods are crued and take many years to master. In all cases, the cost for medicine and time spent on training is excessive. There are plenty of martial artists who can break tiles, bricks, boards and other hard object. Steel Hand training however, enables its practitioners to go beyond the usual limits of these demonstrations. There are not many people around who can break a piece of river stone with two fingers. Steel Hand is developed without damaging the hands or building hard calluses to protect them. It develops the hands, fingers, wrists and arms to deliver devastating blows without injury to themselves. In addition, blows are delivered at high speed and give the impression of being made of flexible rubber. No special liniments or medicines are required in training. All development occurs at a steady and gradual pace without injury or calluses forming. Tissues, bones, and connective tissue are able to reach high levels of strength, resilience and tolerance to impact without external aids. Steel Hand is developed in what is described as a “living” way. Once learned, Steel Hand technique is never forgotten. STEEL BODY | LIGHTNING | SPORT | ONE-TO ONE |
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